A few years ago, while studying Scripture and praying, the Lord first brought me to this concept – the AART of Waiting. It soon became sermon material and I shared it with a few friends along the way. Every so often, the Lord would bring it back to mind again and teach me new lessons about it from His Word.

In 2024, as one season of ministry was giving way to another, there was both hope for respite and awareness that what lay ahead was simply this… a season of waiting. At first, it was turbulent with two car engine failures and neck surgery for my wife, Cathy. But we were enjoying being back in our church home at Anderson Hills where Cathy and I each served in different ways.

Through these months, the Lord began focusing my attention on prayer – inevitably leading me back to this theme, which I had considered publishing a site for.

Christmas 2024, also my 55th birthday, my brother-in-law, Jonathan, brought me the gift that answered my prayer and brought this site to life. No sooner did I open the box and pull out this painting, then the Spirit confirmed the task at hand – bringing me to tears of joy and gratitude.

Thank you, Jonathan Queen, for this beautiful inspiration!