In our waiting, we can often become disturbed, demoralized, despondent, and even despairing of life itself! (2 Corinthians 1:8) Any of this can readily distract us from our awareness of God and even dissuade us from his will, imperative, prerogative, and purpose. This robs the heart and soul of rest.
In order for our waiting to faithfully consist in agreeing & acting in accordance with God, we need to anchor our trust in his immutable faithfulness, mercy, justice, and love. This then enables us to wholly rest in God's omnipotence, sovereignty, omniscience, and peaceful omnipresence.
Unless we purposefully receive and understand and apply the divine provisions for this AART, we’ll find ourselves on the losing end of the waiting game rather than thriving in the fulfillment of all that we were made for and are called to.